02 Aug

Blue Light May Lead to Depressive Symptoms

Blue light has already been found to disrupt sleep cycles and circadian rhythms, and prolonged exposure can contribute to eyesight problems and even loss. A new study between multiple institutions in China has found that repeated exposure to blue light may potentially cause a number of depressive symptoms. 

03 Jul

Light Up Your Space to Make An At-Home Office More Productive

You’ve traded that stale overhead office fluorescent for the warm lights of your home. Instead of too-white, too-bright desk spotlights and screens, you are working from home and illuminating your desk or table with natural sunlight or some warm-tone lamps. There’s no argument that your home’s lighting is more comfortable than most offices — but that calming spectrum of light may be wreaking havoc on your at-home productivity. 

30 Aug

How LEDs Are Making Space Station Gardens A Reality

We need light to grow things, that’s a pretty fundamental part of farming -- and life. Which is why the notion of growing plants in the deep vacuum of space is such a tough problem to solve. 

When you’re an astronaut on a long expedition however, a replenishing supply of plant-based resources sounds much better than freeze-dried food, and may even be necessary as we embark on longer missions into deeper space. 

30 Jul

Light Pollution Harms Bird Migration

Twice a year more than 5 million birds from at least 250 different species fly through the city of Chicago alone as they head toward Canada in the spring and return south toward Central and South America in the fall. Though beautiful, the Windy City’s skyline can prove fatal to a number of birds who collide with glass-covered or illuminated buildings. 

Studies have estimated at least 100 million bird deaths related to light pollution in cities throughout the United States per year, and some estimates put that number closer to one billion deaths per year. 

08 Jul

What is Ecotourism?

Ecotourism has become a worldwide traveling phenomenon for those desiring nature sights and experiences, and there is a reason for the rising popularity. Ecotourism pairs global travel and exploration with environmental conservation and protecting indigenous communities, with sustainability at its heart. This article explores a more comprehensive definition of ecotourism and the benefits of its impact on communities and destinations all over the world. 

28 May

6 Reasons to Switch to LED Lighting

Compared to traditional lighting practices, LED lighting yields a wide variety of advantages. In today’s markets, there are many lighting options at businesses’ disposal. However, LEDs offer improvements in every regard, making them the light source of choice for warehouses, parking lots, offices, streetlights and more. 

We’ve gone into great detail before about the major differences between LEDs and halogen, incandescent, and CFL lights. Now, we’ll determine all the advantages to switching your office, warehouse, or commercial building to LED lighting.  

29 Apr

Amateur Astronomy and Light Pollution

The greatest threat to amateur astronomy today is the unreasonably excessive growth of severe light pollution. Because most cities demand effective lighting above all else, the harmful impacts of such extreme sources of light pollution have been neglected. What’s more unfortunate, we’ve forgotten the beauty and grandeur of the milky way--we’ve become accustomed to the starless sky. The issue has become less noticeable and therefore, less of a priority. For both amateur and professional astronomers, however, the level of modern-day light pollution is intolerable.

21 Feb

The European Ban on Halogen Light Bulbs

If you don’t actively stay up-to-date with developments in the lighting industry or international news, you may have missed the recent ban on halogen lighting in Europe. On September 1st, 2018, the use of halogen light bulbs was banned by the European Union. All halogen light bulbs are now prohibited and will be substituted with environmentally-conservative, energy-efficient light-emitting diode technology and compact fluorescent bulbs.

05 Feb

Environmental Impacts of Light Pollution

Through the incessant growth of both infrastructure and global human population, use of outdoor and city lighting has exploded. While most cities have prioritized effective lighting above all else, they have neglected the harmful impacts associated with light pollution. The most notable of these impacts: the encroached natural environment. We hope to go over what light pollution is, how it harms humanity, as well as which environments and animals are most affected.